
About Meru Digital

We specialize in enhancing digital experiences through a strategic combination of product analytics, UX design, and innovative software design frameworks. Our focus on creating findings such as wireframes, customer journey maps, and user personas ensures clarity for stakeholders and investors, allowing them to visualize our digital products effectively. Additionally, we prioritise building prototypes, enabling us to continuous deliver to refine our solutions through valuable feedback.

Our Services

Software Architecture

Our expertise is based on the fact that designing modular architectures is more than facilitating updates and maintenance; it encompasses conducting thorough inspections to ensuring reliability though attention to detail and practical solutions.

UX Design

We aim to understand user behaviors, craft intuitive interfaces, and refine user engagement by ensuring experiences that drive satisfaction and involvement.

Product Analytics

Our goal is to prioritise analysis interpretations that shape data into actionable insights to drive product success efforts relentlessly.

Innovative Design Frameworks

Our objective lies in seeking to understand why a framework would offer the optimal solution for its users, in order to build upon.


Our focus centers on discovering achievable solutions thorough various kinds of research approaches, and analyse findings that involves findings containing strategic insights.

Brand Marketing

We elevate digital products into user-friendly gems with our cutting-edge marketing services, carefully crafted to capture audiences through experiences at every juncture.

Competitive Positioning

We are putting effort in taking market research data and certain references as indicators on how to achieve success tailored for traits brands bring with themselves.

Diversified Segmentation

Brands can only grow through consumer centricity. But is it any consumer that wants the brand? Also does a brand wants to be liked by all?

UX Writing

While we suppport copyrighted content creation, it is our purpose to acknowledge every time that it is in the nature of writing to find a unique voice and maybe even having its own language.


Meru Digital Ltd.

+90 216 514 2664


Kadıköy, İstanbul.

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